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Sponsorship for Houston Class Valentine's Day Edition




Good Afternoon ,


I’m Alaina Saulsberry, owner of Color Du Jour, LLC (@colordujour on Instagram).  I wanted to reach out to __(company’s name)___ regarding a product sponsorship for my Houston makeup class. On February 11th we’re hosting our Valentine's Day edition course. This will be a hands on course creating a Valentine's day smokey eye. We currently have 18 students registered for this course as of now.



We are currently gathering goodies for all of our students that will be attending the course to make the event special for them. As I was going over everything we have for the attendees I thought of your brand. We would love to include a product from your brand and it can be any product of your choice. I use your products all the time and I’m sure this sponsorship will turn into many repeat customers since my previous students have sworn by the products that I use and purchase my recommendations often. My students and I would greatly appreciate your contribution.  Below I will be attaching a picture of the look that the attendees will be creating.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hearing from you :)





Alaina - Studio Owner

Color Du Jour Makeup Studio

3425 S. Shepherd Dr, Suite 330

Houston, TX 77098


*Attach Media Kit so the company has an overview of your brand.

Sponsorship Emails

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