think about it
What makes you lose track of time?
What makes you forget to use the restroom and eat?
Sit down and think about those days you went all day without taking a break. What were you doing. What keeps your interest for a long time where time is not as important as it typically is. What in the makeup industry makes you lose track of time. For me, its filming my online classes and working weddings. I go all day without eating when I’m working on those projects. It’s not always a good thing but that’s where my focus is in that moment.
What can you talk about for hours that when
you talk about it, you light up?
What ignites your soul when you talk about that specific topic. Speaking about your passion causes you to lose track of time or become inspired to focus on it more. I always let me students in my classes know that I am naturally shy when it comes to public speaking, but when I teach others about how to run their business and makeup, you will never guess that I have an ounce of shyness in me. I love the makeup industry and I love to share the information that I have gained over the years while as a makeup artist and business owner.
What did you love to do as a child?
Everyone has different experiences as a child and based on those experiences, you become more drawn to different things which typically becomes your passion. Everyone finds their passion at different times in their lives, but it is based on those past experience that shape you into the person you are today. What did you enjoy doing as a child? What did you look forward to as a child and what made you lose track of time then?
I love all things beauty and to be surrounded around family members that wore a full face of makeup daily, participated in pageants, and modeled, I was destined to be fascinated with the world of beauty as well. I remember doing my friends makeup in 4th grade because I wanted her to be more confident with herself. I always wanted to glam my friends up versus glamming myself so I found my passion at a young age. Today I prefer to apply makeup on others versus myself because I love the confidence that gives them. I love to see their faces light up.
If you could be remembered for 3 things after
you die, what would they be?
I know this can be a broad question and you probably want to be known for many things like a good mom, wife, etc, but just think about this question in regards to the makeup industry. What do you want to be remembered for as a makeup artist? There are so many directions you can take with this question, but whichever direction you do take, that is your passion.
I want to be known as an educator and mentor that inspires others and provides tools, tips, and tricks that allows artist to build a successful brand and business I want to be known as a selfless person that helped many in the industry. I also want to be known for my flawless
and seamless applications where it will later get me in the position of doing more influential people makeup, but in the meantime, I will make sure I showcase those techniques on my Color Du Jour Online Workshops. I lastly want to be known for the cosmetic line that I will eventually start working on and prayerfully get into the hands of many consumers.
If you were financially secure, what would you
do with your time?

This is a fun exercise in visualization. Picture yourself on a typical day in your financially secure future. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you? These questions help to solidify the vision in your mind. Got the picture? Use it to determine what you would do if money was not a barrier.
If I was financially secure, I would have my cosmetic line by now, I. would travel the world teaching individuals my techniques. I would also learn from different makeup artist to improve my skills as a makeup artist as well as gaining more knowledge with running a business so that I can give that I am more equipped as an educator. Ultimately that is my passion so use this question to help you with your overall vision for you as a makeup artist.
What is working well for you in your current life
& career? What do you find fulfilling, meaningful,
enjoyable and important?
These last few questions are helpful because they allow us to assess our current situation and surroundings. Not all aspects of our lives need to be changed, nor do we need to change something every year. These questions help us discover what we want more of in our lives, or at least the pieces we want to keep intact.
For me, at the time I asked myself this question, I enjoyed having autonomy in my job. I liked the freedom of making my own hours, not having to check in with my boss every day and being able to create my own strategic plan and schedule. I enjoy not working on the same task and getting to switch up my projects allows me to not get easily bored with my career. I love working on weddings one day, being on set the next, then working on my individual clients in studio, etc. It keeps everything interesting.
What isn’t working for you? What drains
you, makes you stressed, or wastes your time?
This final question helps us determine what we want less of in our lives or what we want to get rid of altogether. When we feel stuck or unhappy, it helps to think about how much time we spend on activities that we don’t enjoy, and if we are willing to take that with us in the future.
We all know weddings can be very draining. So instead of servicing a large bridal party, I put a cap on the number of people I am able to do makeup on so that I can deliver my best work and keeps the focus on the bride. I also avoid a lot of traveling from client to client, so that is why I opened a studio to allow me to have more back to back appointments. I tend to avoid negative energy and complaints by communicating all policies upfront to my clients and accommodating them often. What do you want to avoid in this industry?