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It is important to have a self- hosted website!


Everything is online today! The days of print advertisement are not as valuable as a website although I feel business cards are still important.


  • It displays your professionalism as an artist

  • It helps you establish credibility

  • A great online presence allows you to reach more consumers

  • Allows consumers to feel more connected to you as an artist or to your brand

  • It’s easy to use and update to keep your clients/customers informed

  • Minimizes questions asked so there is less work on your end

  • Websites improves productivity

  • Allows customers to access and purchase your products 

  • A tool where you can educate your customers

  • Allows potential customers to view a comprehensive portfolio of your work 

  • No website or a website that is not user friendly will cause miss opportunities because it makes the brand look “bad”

  • Increases your chance to gain discounts on makeup products 

  • Provides communication to your clients when you can’t! 

  • Improves interaction with potential and existing clients/customers

  • Websites cuts cost

  • People have access to you 24/7


must haves

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